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Mrs. Anjali Khaniwale
Before – 112 kg
After – 62 kg
Rupali Gaikwad
Before – 85 kg
After – 55 kg
Shrirang Kelkar
Before – 111 kg
After – 78 kg
Vijayalaxmi Rajguru
Before – 80 kg
After – 60 kg
Ashwini Madiwale
Before – 108 kg
After – 75 kg
Aparna Warekar
Before – 88 kg
After – 68 kg
Nitin Gote
Before – 128 kg
After – 88 kg
Sakhi Lawate
Before – 107 kg
After – 85 kg
*Results may vary from person to person.
Shrirang Kelkar
Today I completed two full months of no diabetes. I was insulin dependent and used to take 65 units insulin 3 times a day. A surgery and proper diet guidance, helped me A Lot to improve and to keep away my 10yrs old diabetes.
Thanks to Dr. Neeraj for the best surgery and Meena for tireless diet follow up and proper diet guidance.. I’ve have changed my life style with 1 he walk, half an hour gym/yoga and ‘easy to follow diet.’ Thanks to all the Doss team. Lost my 25 kg weight. But more than that I became free from diabetes.
Pratap Satav
On the occasion of completing 4 years after my surgery today I have lost 108 Kg and waist inch loss is 24 inches in four years after my surgery.
On completion of four years of my BARIATRIC SURGERY, I thank you for bringing me to 90 kilograms from 198 kilograms. Today I would like to share this in our Support group.
Today is the 4th Anniversary of my Bariatric Surgery and my new life given by you and to place on record my deep sense of gratitude for the very timely and personal support given by you and your team during my crucial health condition due to severe obesity.
There are times in one’s life when one finds himself in a helpless and hopeless situation, and it is then that the crucial and timely support makes a major difference and appears as a small ray of light in a dark tunnel. It is this guidance and the confidence placed by you in my ability that has shown me the correct direction to follow and come out of from my severe obesity.
Thank you for a wonderful experience with the Bariatric surgery. Your skills and ability to turn dreams into reality are outstanding. I am very pleased with the results of my surgery and I feel like I have been given a second chance. My body size and shape are exactly what I wanted-and even better! I want to thank you for your kindness, expert care, and being so wonderful. Your personality, expertise, and exceptional ability was so apparent and appreciated. I wish that this thank you note could express all of the joy that you brought into my heart.
You are a wonderful surgeons and a wonderful people for making me feel so good. I am now in heaven with my new-improved version. I’m very pleased to have found you as my doctor and I’m very happy with the result of my surgery. I feel great about myself now.
Thanks again to you and the DOSS team.
Jasmin, Mumbai
As per Dr Geeta mam’s advice. All patients discussed about weight related issues. But what about diseases Diabetes type II, Abnormal blood pressure, Abnormal lipid profile etc. As i was suffering from all these issues. I was done bariatric surgery (gastric bypass) on 23 Oct 2015 by Dr. Satish Pattanshetti. From that day to till now. I am totally medicine free and healthy. Miracle done by Dr. Satish Pattanshetti.
This surgery is just miracle. Yes i am voluntary brand ambassador of this surgery & DOSS.
As i got back everything in 9 months. I saved 60000 thousand rupees. which i used to spend on Diabetes, BP, Medicine, Tests Fees per month 6000 thousand approx.
Without any cosmetic surgery, beauty parlour, expenditure i got my look back.
This surgery returned me. Not only my health but my beautiful look with confidence.”Jahan marne ki baaten karati thi. Aaj khulkar jineka dil karata hai”.
Agar muze milana hai. Asliyat main dekhana hai toh. Next support meeting main ..aa jaieye. Live debate karate hain.
Sub kuch tha paisa, social status, family bus Diabetes ne 3 saal muzhse meri hansi, khushi
Health aur skin colour tak Chhina tha.
Ab sub kuch mila. skin colour, health, khushi, confidence.I regain my skin colour and look due to this surgery….along with type II diabetes and BP related issues. Recovered absolutely medicine free life. Off course, I followed each and every post surgery diet and exercise instructions given by Doctor. I used to take walk up to 5 km and yoga surya namskar up to 25 and pranayam.
जालिंदर आवारे
नमस्कार मित्रांनो, मी बालाजी जालिंदर आवारे, रहाणार बार्शी, आपल्या प्रेमाने आणि डॉ. निरज वासुदेव रायते,पुणे. यांच्या प्रयत्नाने माझे वाढलेले वजनावर(115kg) Baritric Surgery पुर्ण होऊन मला डिस्चार्ज मिळाला आहे माझी तबीयत चांगली झाली आहे. हा मेसेज तुमच्या वजनाने त्रस्त मित्राला पाठवा.
Mr Kelkar
माझाच या result वर विश्वास बसत नाहीय्ये की HbA1c प्रथम 12.7 ईतके भयानक होते .व आत्ता 5.4 ईतके नॉनडायबेटीक रिडींग येऊ शकते.
हा एक चमत्कारच वाटतोय. सर्जरी पूर्वी मला एवढा चांगला रिझल्ट मिळेल असं अजिबात वाटलं नव्हतं. वजन कमी झाल्याच्या आनंदापलीकडील हा आनंद मला डॉसने दिला. आभारासाठी माझ्याकडे शब्द नाहीत..

Mr B V Awre Before and After
Karate Champ Knocks Out 41 Kilo Excess Weight with Bariatric Surgery
This is a true story of one of our patients Mr Awre who turned around his life. We are grateful to him for candidly sharing his inspiring story with you all. Over to Mr Awre: I was a karate black belt who taught martial arts in my younger days. An accident I had in 2010 triggered rapid weight gain due to my limitations for physical exercises after the mishap. This turned my life upside down. I had to give up my passion- my Karate teaching. How could I train my students without being able to perform myself? It was agonizing, embarrassing and I had reached the tipping point from where I could take it no more. Every day was a burden. Every moment a struggle. Every social event an embarrassment. I couldn’t move easily, couldn’t sit on the floor and had several other limitations. Obesity was ruling my life. At functions, when called for a meal, I would decline saying that I had already eaten, to save myself from embarrassment, as I couldn’t bend or sit on the floor. Being from rural Maharashtra, I had no knowledge about how to overcome obesity. Luckily, I attended an Obesity Camp being conducted by DOSS at Solapur. Discussing with Dr Pattanshetti and Dr Rayate gave me great clarity and reassurance; and I made up my mind to go in for obesity surgery. My every query was answered with great patience and my every fear was addressed. Initially I did not tell my wife and family members when I decided to go in for Obesity Surgery because I did not want them to discourage me from under going surgery. I was clear that I wanted to put an end to the agony of being obese and the Bariatric surgery was the best option. However, my Doctors advised to involve the family members in the decision making and it was the right thing to do.I was operated in 2016 at MGM Hospital Pune. Within a day, the doctors asked me to walk and I was discharged from hospital within 48 hours. Apart from a few adjustments in my diet and meal timings, there are absolutely no side effects of the surgery. During my short stay at the hospital, personalized care by DOSS team was such that I felt more like a guest staying at a close relative’s house than a patient admitted in a hospital. Back in my college days, my weight was 70 Kgs. At the time of my surgery it was 116 kgs. Now after a year, my weight is reduced to 75 kgs. I feel so young and so light again. I have resumed my karate coaching with great passion. I participate in every function without having to tackle any embarrassment. My energy levels are high and I am able to lead a normal life. Also, I am able to dress in fashionable clothes which is just fantastic. I am a member of the gram Panchayat and able to execute my responsibilities efficiently. I feel confident. I feel great. I truly am grateful to almighty who prompted me to attend the camp in Solapur. And I am so thankful to my Doctors for recommending this procedure to me. I have acquired a new life because of them and I couldn’t be happier! [Mr B V AWRE, Solapur District, Maharashtra]My journey from 108kgs to 69kgs
This is regarding my journey from 108kgs to 69kgs .
22 november 2019 to 22 november 2020.
Today on completion of one year post surgery really feeling grateful to Dr. Satish Pattanshetty and for his motivation and timely support. I am very grateful for being under the care of such an experienced and capable doctor. Without his motivation it was nearly impossible for me to start this journey. Thank you for performing this surgery and for giving me a new chance at life.
Also a big thank you to Meena madam . Really grateful for showing her patience against my impatient nature. I enjoyed my sessions with her a lot and really appreciate the knowledge she has and the help she gave me to look at things in a more healthy way. She also made me realize that meals don’t need to be complicated and difficult, it really can be fast and easy. Thanks so much for your help.