Bariatric Surgery Types and Procedures

Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery, commonly known as weight loss surgery, has evolved significantly over time. This medical intervention helps individuals with obesity lose weight by altering their digestive system, making it easier to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

In this article, we will discuss the concept of bariatric surgery, the types of procedures available, the factors to consider when choosing a suitable treatment option, and the benefits and risks associated with each method.

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Type of Bariatric Surgery

  • Endoscopic Gastric Balloon-

Although not technically a surgery, the endoscopic gastric balloon is considered a Bariatric surgery and is typically performed on patients who have a significant amount of excess weight, usually 30 to 50 kg more than their ideal weight. 

It is essential to distinguish between bariatric surgery and cosmetic procedures such as liposuction, as the latter focuses on body contouring rather than addressing obesity and its associated health risks. Bariatric surgery aims to help patients achieve and maintain a healthier weight, reducing the likelihood of obesity-related complications such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

In this procedure, a balloon is inserted into the stomach either by endoscopy or through a swallowable pill. The inflated balloon occupies space in the stomach, restricting food intake and promoting a feeling of fullness. This temporary weight loss measure focuses on developing disciplined eating habits.

It is important to note that weight loss gastric balloons are not a long-term solution, and patients must maintain a healthy lifestyle to sustain their weight loss.

  • Sleeve Gastrectomy-

Sleeve gastrectomy involves the surgical removal of approximately two-thirds of the stomach, leaving a smaller, sleeve-like pouch. This irreversible procedure reduces the stomach’s capacity, limiting food intake and helping patients lose weight. 

However, over time, the restrictive effects of the surgery may lessen, and patients must maintain strong discipline and determination to prevent weight regain. 

There is a possibility of weight gain in some patients over the years, even after undergoing sleeve gastrectomy, if they do not adhere to a disciplined lifestyle.

  • Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass surgery involves bypassing a significant portion of the small intestine, ensuring that high-calorie foods are not absorbed and thereby promoting weight loss. This procedure offers two advantages over sleeve gastrectomy: 

it is fully reversible, and it combines both restrictive and malabsorptive elements. As a result, weight loss tends to be more substantial and sustainable in the long term with gastric bypass surgery.

Other Procedures

Besides the primary procedures mentioned above, there are a few other bariatric surgery options available. However, their long-term results have not yet been firmly established.

Consequently, many clinics, including ours, focus on gastric balloon, sleeve gastrectomy, and gastric bypass procedures, with a preference for gastric bypass due to its proven effectiveness and reversibility.

Benefits and Risks of Bariatric Surgery

Benefits of Bariatric Surgery:

  • Significant weight loss
  • Reduced risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Lowered blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Decreased risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Improvement or resolution of sleep apnea
  • Alleviation of joint pain
  • Potential improvement in depression symptoms
  • Increased mobility
  • Enhanced self-confidence
  • Improved overall quality of life

Risks and Potential Complications of Bariatric Surgery:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Anesthesia-related complications

Also, Read- Benefits Of Bariatric Surgery

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Patient Selection and Post-Surgery Support

Choosing the right bariatric surgery candidate involves assessing factors such as the patient’s health, weight loss goals, and commitment to maintaining a healthy lifestyle post-surgery. 

Medical professionals typically require patients to have a BMI (body mass index) of 40 or above, or a BMI of 35 or above with obesity-related health conditions, to be considered for bariatric surgery.

Support following surgery is crucial to ensure long-term success. Patients need to adhere to strict dietary guidelines, engage in regular physical activity, and attend follow-up appointments with expert bariatric surgeons.


Many patients also benefit from psychological counseling and support groups to address emotional and behavioral challenges associated with significant weight loss and lifestyle changes.

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Wrapping Up

Bariatric surgery has come a long way, with gastric balloon, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, and BPD/DS being the most popular options.

Consulting with an expert in bariatric surgery can provide valuable guidance in determining the most suitable treatment option.

If you require additional information or have questions about these procedures, feel free to reach out to our team of specialists.

Remember that long-term success depends on the patient’s dedication to embracing a healthier lifestyle and following post-surgery guidelines.

Psychological and Social Considerations

A comprehensive preoperative psychological evaluation is necessary to assess the child’s emotional well-being and readiness for surgery. Post-surgery, ongoing support, and counseling may be required to address potential psychological challenges.

It is also essential to consider the social stigma and potential social implications associated with bariatric surgery in children.


Bariatric surgery in children should only be considered for those who meet specific criteria and have exhausted other weight loss options.

A thorough evaluation, appropriate patient selection, and comprehensive multidisciplinary care are vital to ensuring the safety and effectiveness of bariatric surgery in children.

Further research and ongoing evaluation of the long-term outcomes and safety of bariatric surgery in pediatric patients are needed.

Families considering or undergoing bariatric surgery for their children, seek out available resources and support networks to help navigate this complex decision-making process.