If you want to lose bulk weight like 25 kg, you should be serious about weight surgery in Pune because it is only with surgical treatment that you will be able to lose weight without going through a strict diet and exercise regimen.

Dieting and exercising could help but only 5% of people are able to maintain results achieved with a strict lifestyle where you have to eat less and consume heath food only. Also, you need to do more physical activity to burn more than the calories consumed. In this situation, surgery seems a better option.

Here’re the benefits of weight loss surgery

  1. Lasting relief from type 2 diabetes

It could be the biggest benefit of bariatric surgery as most obese people suffer from type 2 diabetes and require insulin and adjunct medicines to keep their sugar levels under control. Though they can lead a happy healthy life even not taking insulin shots by shedding bulk weight with surgery. Type 2 diabetes is difficult to control and it will become more difficult with obesity. If you can control obesity, you can control type 2 diabetes as well.


  1. Improved cardio health

Another big benefit of quick weight loss is improved cardiovascular health. The surgery will not only reduce the weight but blood pressure and cholesterol level as well. Your blood pressure and cholesterol will automatically become near normal after surgery and it will help in reducing the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.


  1. Joint pain relief

Obesity can crush your joints under bulk weight leading to inflammation and chronic pain. And this pain will not subside even after taking heavy painkiller medicines. Even exercising will not help improve the condition as the bulk weight will keep pressing the joints. But obesity surgery can give fast relief from inflammation and pain in the joint.


  1. Improve fertility

Obesity will reduce fertility chances during childbearing years and it will lead to quick weight loss with surgery is the only way forward. Surgery can help lose weight quickly, and in this way, help in childbearing.


  1. Relief from depression

Obesity leads to a poor image of body that you can take as a social stigma. And when it happens, you could become depressed to the point where you will require treatment of depression. But a weight loss Doctor can help in the conditions, obesity, and depression. You won’t be obese and depressed due to obesity.

An Important Component of Vegetarian Diet After Bariatric Surgery

An Important Component of Vegetarian Diet After Bariatric Surgery


To maintain a healthy weight for lifetime after bariatric surgery, it is important to make good food choices and eating a balanced diet. For this, your bariatric surgeon can help you to create post bariatric surgery diet plan. Sufficient protein intake is required after bariatric surgery. In India majority of people are vegetarian, and hence including pulses and legumes in diet is essential to fulfilling daily protein needs.

Pulses contain many essential nutritional values apart from proteins.Amount of calories per 100g of pulses is almost similar to that of cereals but they give about 20 to 25% more protein as compared to cereals. Pulses also contain calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium,iron and phosphorus.

Pulses are edible fruits or seeds of pod-bearing plants. There are various types of pulses are available that can be used in various ways and are an important part of every Indian kitchen, like  Legumes (rajma, chholey, chana, lobia), husked-whole pulses (moong sabut, masoor sabut and urad sabut dal) and dehusked pulses (moong dhuli, masoor dhuli and arhar dal).

The per 100 gcalorie content of legumes ranges between 315 to 372 Kcal. Legumes are rich in proteins and protein content ranges from 17 to 25 gram/ 100gram. They are excellent source of B-complex vitamins.Rajmah and Soyabean contain high level ofantioxidant.

Pulses also helps to maintain blood sugar level due to their low glycemic index and provide more satiety than cereals due to the high protein content.

Nutrition value gets improved during sprouting process. Also during sprouting Vitamin C is synthesized in Pulses, as much as that sprouts can be substituted for fruits.

Germination process enhances concentration of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids, specially linoleic and linolenic acid and also PUFAs (poly unsaturated fatty acids) like EHA and DHA.

There are some pulses and legumes that actually helps in lowering high cholesterol levelslike Cowpeas (lobia), black gram (urad sabut dal) and Bengal gram (kala chana).

Fermentation of pulses improves amino acid levels. Batters made from Fermentation of pulse, like idli and dhokla, improves nutritional value by increasing vitamin C and B-vitamins. Also, phytates present in legumes play vital role in reducing risk ofcolon and breast cancer.

One medium katori cooked pulses and legumes provides 4 to 6 g protein. Therefore 2 serves should be included daily in the diet. Due to all these health benefits, after bariatric surgery vegetarian patients must include pulses and legumes to their daily diet to meet daily protein requirements.

You can include variations like cooked pulses, sprouts, pan cakes, cheelas, dhokla, kadhi and sambhar to make your food interesting. But avoid over use of oils and fats while cooking pulse based preparations to keep calorie intake under control.

“Don’t Dig Your Grave with Your Own Knife and Fork”

DOSS India is amongst the recognized center for Obesity, Morbid Obesity, Hernia surgery and Gall stone surgery by means of laparoscopy located in Pune (Maharashtra- India).

Types of Hernia

What is Hernia? and It’s Types


Hernia is a defect in abdominal wall. When there are weak spots in abdominal muscles or in a connecting tissue called fascia, an organ such as intestine or fatty tissue may push through the defect and a hernia occurs. Surgery is the only scientific treatment available for Hernia. Avoiding or postponing surgery only makes things worse for the patient.

Most common type of Hernia is inguinal (inner groin) which makes up for 96% of all groin hernias and this occurs mostly in men due to their natural weakness in groin area.

Other common types of Hernia are incisional (resulting from an incision of prior surgery or c-section delivery), femoral (outer groin), umbilical (belly button) or hiatal (upper stomach).

Be it any kind of Hernia, concept of repair remains the same. The overhanging abdominal organ or content is first pushed back surgically into the abdomen where it belongs, placing a surgical mesh in most cases to reinforce the area so that Hernia does not recur again and then finally suturing the area for closing the defect in abdominal wall.

What are the types of Hernia?

  1. Naval hernia (Umbilical / Para umbilical Hernia)
  2. Post-surgery hernia (Incisional hernia)
  3. Upper abdomen hernia (Epigastic hernia)
  4. Spigelian hernia
  5. Hiatal Hernia
  6. Groin Hernia

What are the complications of Hernia?

  • Irreducibility
  • Obstruction
  • Strangulation

What are the different surgeries available for hernia?

  • Laparoscopic Hernia
  • Robotic Hernia Surgery
  • 3D Mesh

DOSS is founded by Dr. Satish Pattanshetti and Dr. Neeraj Rayate – leading minimally invasive, obesity, and metabolic surgeons of India, who have combined experience of 25 years with average 1000 patients operated per year.

DOSS is a team of top-notch surgeons and multi disciplinary clinicians complementing one another to ensure the best clinical outcomes for each one of our patients and to raise treatment excellence for Obesity and Morbid Obesity.


Your Workplace Can Play an Important Role in Controlling Obesity

The common misunderstanding, that should be cleared, is that being obese is the same as being overweight. Being overweight means having a body mass index (BMI) of more than 22.5 whereas obesity is when the BMI is 27.5 and above.

Obesity occurs when the energy consumption from the consumption of food is greater than the energy spend through the body’s metabolism and physical activity over a stretched period, resulting in the stocking up of excess body fat.

One out of five people suffer from obesity in India. Obesity is a leading cause of preventable death worldwide. It’s a deadly chronic disease often mistaken by general public as mildly embarrassing physical condition that needs no treatment.

Obesity is responsible for multiple health conditions, psychological and social problems. Now a days, lifestyle of people is driven by work culture to a great extent. The young generation inclines to spend more time at workplace than at home or outdoors.

This has resulted in many lifestyle and behavioral changes like:

  • Desk Job
  • Inadequate Sleep
  • Sedentary Lifestyle
  • Lack of Exercise
  • Consumption of Alcohol
  • And, fatty diet adding to the risk factors associated with obesity.

Physical activity and healthy diet are two main factors which impact our body weight. But, in our fast paced life, we hardly get time to undertake such healthy measures. Sitting in front of the computer for extended hours and eating junk food has become the way of life.

Important Role in Controlling Obesity The

The corporate plays an important role in instrumenting this serious problem and promoting a lifestyle-oriented work culture. Corporate should take the initiative of guiding employees towards a balanced and healthy life.

Weight management exercises, health screening, access to gyms and yoga sessions are some of the initiatives workplaces should take to save their employees from the risk of developing obesity.

Another important role that corporate can play is to arrange health program sessions where every employee will get essential information on healthy eating behavior and health tips from experts.

This will not only help them cut on expenditure towards doctors and medications but will also benefit the workplace by lowering the rate of absenteeism emerging due to illness.

“Become The Best Version Of You with Doss”

DOSS India is amongst the recognized center for Obesity, Morbid Obesity , Hernia surgery and Gall stone surgery by means of laparoscopy located in Pune (Maharashtra- India).

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